What do most runners do when they can't run anymore?

They cycle.

Have you heard of Mike Woods?

Mike Woods:

→ Ran a mile PR in 3:57.48.

→ At 19, he earned a top-50 senior world ranking in the 1500m.

Woods unfortunately suffered multiple stress fractures in his foot which plagued him for years and ultimately knocked him out of the sport.

But, Woods never gave up… He cross-trained during his injuries and fully pledged his athletic prowess to cycling.

Guess what? It worked.

→ Woods has won stages at Le Tour de France and the Vuelta a España.

→ Last week, he represented Canada at the Paris Olympics (his third Olympics to date) in the men’s road race.

Most runners turn to cycling when they can no longer run due to injuries.

Woods has had an illustrious cycling career to date, although not without adversity… he broke his femur during Paris-Nice race in 2020, and his cycling career is something to be celebrated. However, I can't help but wonder if Woods' running career would have turned out differently if there was the education around strength and conditioning for runners and cyclists that there is today.

Do you want to help reduce your risk of injury as a runner? Read on…

I’ve recorded a short video on our free strength program that uses no equipment. It details how to use the program and why the exercises that have been selected will enhance your running and cycling.

Please click the link below to watch and reply PROGRAM to this email and I’ll send over your copy of the strength program.

What do you think? Have you turned to cycling because of injury, or use it for cross training when facing injury?

Enjoy your running and riding this weekend!

Thank you!

Emma x


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