The one must-have to transform your running and cycling

Hey there,

How many times do you search for something once and then you're flooded by adverts for it?

Consumer culture brainwashes us into believing that we need to spend money on things we don't need and it's the answer to all our prayers.

We see this all the time in running and cycling...

Want to get faster?

  • Buy some carbon running shoes (£230+),

  • Buy some aero wheels (£1500-2k),

  • Buy a new carbon bike? (£2k ++++).

Want to recover better?

  • Grab yourself some air compression boots (£1k) or a massage gun (£40+).

Want to sleep better?

  • Buy a Whoop (£27 monthly subscription or £229 upfront),

  • Buy an Eight sleep pod (£2.5K + optional £22 monthly subscriptions).

… You get the picture.

Of course these things largely do help you get faster, recover better, sleep better etc. However, the gains from them are so minimal if the basics are not being met in the first instance.

What if I told you that you could get much better results for FREE...?

Want to get faster?

  • Train consistently,

  • Follow a progressive training plan,

  • Ensure your training is personalized to you, eg. your heart rate, pace/power zones.

  • Strength train year-round.

Want to recover better?

  • Prioritize nutrition and hydration,

  • Prioritize sleep,

  • Ensure you have a rest day and de-load weeks in your training.

  • Strength train year-round.

Want to sleep better?

  • Improve your sleep hygiene,

  • Aim for regular sleep patterns (where possible),

  • Reduce caffeine and alcohol intake.

All of these above are FREE and you'll see much more return on your investment (and time) than forking out loads on these 'absolute must haves' that society has made you believe you need.

Make no mistake, the challenge of implementing those those ‘free’ performance enhancers is tough and this is where accountability is crucial! Don’t be lured by the appeal of those products designed to sell you something which don’t understand your unique needs.

The takeaway: Invest wisely in yourself and your running and cycling.

What do you think? Are you struggling to include any of the above in your training at the moment?

Speak soon!

Emma x

Photo- Bike Roar